Our selection of top shark stories, highlighting the latest news and discoveries from around the world...

Are White Sharks in UK Waters?

25 April

A White Shark has caused a stir in the Atlantic after becoming the second White Shark ever to be tracked crossing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and moving into the Eastern Atlantic. With many news articles speculating this individual may be on its way to UK shores.

UK waters are home to an impressive 40 species of shark, of which around 21 are thought to be present all year round. But, a White Shark is currently not one of them. Despite many reports of White Shark sightings off the coast of the UK, none have ever been confirmed.


20 April

On 20 April, the Shark Trust and our Shark League Partners were joined by over 50 NGO’s and groups across Europe for the virtual EU Mako Shark Rally. The science is clear for Shortfin Mako – a complete ban on retention is needed in the North Atlantic to help this Endangered shark.

With the next ICCAT meeting taking place in July, we need you to #MakeTime4Makos! Make your voice count by helping us put pressure on the EU to adopt science-based measures at ICCAT this year. Click here to find out more and take action by tweeting/emailing your minister using our templates.

Failure to Deliver Actions on Global Biodiversity Agreements is Leading to Devastating Depletion

19 April

Whilst nothing new, it’s no less shocking! Pressure caused by overfishing is resulting in alarming declines in global shark and ray populations. Whilst many governments have vowed to protect the environment and put a stop to biodiversity loss, the reality looks a lot different.

Case in point, the Shortfin Mako. A well-studied shark on the verge of collapse in the North Atlantic. Yet, countries continue to refuse it the protection it requires for survival. But all is not lost! As Sonja Fordham from Shark Advocates International points out:

Vocal, sustained support for shark conservation from the public is not only truly meaningful; it’s essential for creating a brighter future for these extraordinary animals.

Porbeagle Shark Spotted in Plymouth Marina

16 April

An out of the ordinary shark sighting this week…a juvenile Porbeagle was spotted in a Plymouth Marina. Whilst this species is known around the British Isles, it’s uncommon to find them so close to shore. We hope this young shark made its way back out!

Largest Recorded Smalltooth Sawfish Washes Up in Florida

12 April

A 16-foot long Smalltooth Sawfish has washed up dead in the Florida Keys, making it the largest Smalltooth Sawfish ever recorded. Whilst unfortunate, especially as this mature female was carrying softball sized eggs, this individual will help scientists discover more about this Critically Endangered species.

First UK Basking Shark Sighting of the Year

7 April

Some very lucky locals spotted what is likely the first Basking Shark sighting in the UK this year! Whilst they’re more frequently sighted in the Northeast Atlantic from May to October, it’s not unheard of to see them earlier on in the year. This individual Basker was spotted in Falmouth Bay, Cornwall and measured 18ft. Check out the video footage of this special sighting!

South Africa’s Sharks and Rays

4 April

The first detailed checklist of chondrichthyan fishes found in South African waters has been published. The result of decades of research, this thorough list provides information on 191 species of shark, skate, ray, and chimaera from 50 families! This information is vital for developing appropriate conservation and management measures for these species in South Africa.

World’s Largest Marine Wildlife Monitoring Network

3 April

The world’s largest network of marine wildlife monitoring systems is being established by the UK. A network of underwater cameras will monitor more than 4 million square kilometres of ocean in 10 Overseas Territories, including the Cayman Islands and Ascension. The project aims to collect information from parts of the ocean that have previously been challenging to monitor. Stay tuned to see which sharks and rays are captured on camera!

Aerial Drones Capture Underwater Manta Behaviour

1 April

Scientists are using drones to capture information on the second largest Reef Manta Ray population in the world in Bird’s Head Seascape, West Papua, Indonesia. Drones are being used to identify the number and size of individuals and document interesting behaviour. Ongoing research in this region has identified over 1,300 individuals; uncovered 4 nursery areas and exciting new information on the breeding cycle of female mantas.

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Banner image: Basking Shark © Andrew Pearson